Sunday, 17 June 2012


Ever since I was a child, I have had dreams of flying.

In these dreams, I have have full control of my flight (i.e. I am able to fly higher or lower, turn left or right at will), and occasionally, although I am aware that I am dreaming, I am so intoxicated by the freedom and exhilaration that comes with my flight that I just go with it.

Of course, as all dreams in sleep must end, I eventually wake up to reality. Despite it being all in my head though, I still value these dreams very much.

Yesterday, Keira took me to see a performance at the National Institute of Circus Arts ( and I realised that for some people, what I only experience in dreams, they taste snippets of in reality.

Ultimately, we are all a product of chance or fate; whichever you choose to call it.

It dictates the opportunities that we encounter, as well as everything that influences us (directly or indirectly), which includes our environment, and the people we meet.

I found myself thinking yesterday that I would have been happy as an acrobat. If the opportunity to learn and experience the profession had been available to me in the past, perhaps I would have found myself walking down that path. Or at least engaging in it as a past time.

But today, I am who I am. And I am where my life has brought me.

Having said that though, it's never too late to discover sides of yourself that you've never known, and it's never too late to incorporate new things into your life that can make you happy.

Lesson for today?

Insight comes with new experiences.

So, go ahead... Immerse yourself.

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