Wednesday 8 August 2012

Doctor, doctor... Give me the news...

So tomorrow I find out if I'll have a job next year or if I'll be unemployed.

Although the prospect of unemployment is far from appealing to me, I have to keep in mind that it's still a very real possibility.

Ironically, I received a call today in which the caller referred to me as "Doctor".

I'm embarrassed to say that my initial reflex emotion was: Embarrassment.

After all, although I may technically be a doctor to the caller, I still feel like a final year medical student just trying her hardest to get through the year with as much knowledge and skill as humanly possible while still struggling not to feel guilty every time the IV cannula she's just inserted runs dry.

Is it wrong that I want to feel like I'm good at what I do before I start feeling more like a doctor?

Labels and designations come with expectations, and I'm just not ready to deal with this one yet.

Here's hoping that I'll feel a bit more ready tomorrow.

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